Flexible analytics, monitoring and reporting on user interaction with digital products
Manage your efforts among campaigns, SEO/SEM, your presence in social networks and affiliations with Prism data on how traffic impacts the digital performance of your product.
Example applications:
Manage your product with data driven decisions based on the behavior of your users and its impact on your bottom-line.
Example applications:
Develop your product using behavioral data to assure that your users are happy and willing to return.
Example applications:
Gemius is a research and technology company, providing data, business consultations, solutions and recommendations in the area of online business. We offer comprehensive solutions for e-commerce, publishers, advertising agencies and advertisers.
since 1999
gathering experience in the online industry
300+ professionals
always ready to help
30+ markets
in Europe, Asia and Africa
satisfied customers
450 000+ websites
measured during the year
13 000 000+ ad campaigns
monitored every month